- Repeated exposure to the sights, sounds and symbols of the Eucharist help form all Christians.
- Children like sitting in those usually empty front pews so they can see and hear what is going on.
- It would be costly to repaint all those signs to read, "The Episcopal Church Only Welcomes Adults."
- Teaching young children to enjoy and participate in the service helps them become active and worshipping adults.
- There are no pop quizzes as the communion rail!
- Children have their own unique relationships with God. Being in Church helps them learn how to pray, sing, worship, and otherwise strengthen that relationship.
- If children aren't in Church, who are the candy-wrapping, restless, coughing whispering adults going to blame for the noise?
- Sunday services make great family togetherness time. Use the quiet space for extra hand-holding or snuggling time that may get lost during a busy week.
- Children teach us what absolute joy looks like - and what better palce to experience that in Church?
- And the number one reason why children are welcomed in the Church: the Circle of God's family is incomplete without them!
We look forward to seeing you and your children on Sunday!
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